Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Greatest Things in Life

The best things in life aren't the most expensive or elaborate ones. They are the little joys often overlooked and forgotten while we are amiss our hectic schedules. They are the little things that make our day to day living a little more special.

1. Having your hair brushed by your mom

2. A piece of chocolate

3. Holding hands with your significant other 

4. Fresh snow before it has been walked through 

5. The rewarding feeling after a hard workout

6. A perfectly ripe piece of fruit

7. Listening to music and getting ready for a first date 

8. A full tank of gas

9. The smell of the ocean 

10. Homemade ice-cream

11. A bouquet of daisies

12. When the radio plays all the right songs

13. 7 for 26 underwear sale

14. Wearing fuzzy socks when your feet are cold

15. Cuddling with your pet

16. Spending the whole day doing absolutely nothing

17. A great hair day

18. Disney movies

19. Hot tea on a chilly morning

20. Having the door held for you

21. When a stranger smiles your way

22. Phone calls from missed friends

23, Movie nights

24. Receiving a random act of kindness

25. Giving a random act of kindness

Monday, November 17, 2014

Operation Christmas Child

 Hi guys, as Christmas is rounding the corner I think that it is extremely important to talk about something other than pretty lights and candy canes. This post is about Operation Christmas child, which is a fundraiser/event done by the Samaritan Purse Organization that gives people the opportunity to give gifts to children that don't have anything. 
     What you do is grab a shoe box or buy a little plastic box that is around the same size, and fill it with toys and candy and hygienic supplies for these kids to receive and treasure. There of course are other stipulations that come along with doing this box, such as the due date is Nov 24th and also there are certain things you can't pack, like fluid stuff (bubbles, juice boxes) or toys that are inappropriate for their area (water guns, plastic army guys ect).  
     This is done by a Christian organization but by no means is something that only "religious" people can do. This is a fantastic way to remember others during this crazy time of the year where we all might otherwise forget about the people who don't get the opportunity to hit up black Friday or buy presents because they don't even have clothes or food. We are blessed beyond belief and by spreading our blessings to others, it helps their Christmas become a little better too. Making a shoe box can be as cheap or as expensive as you want and they truly do make a difference. If you go to the website posted below you will see videos of kids crying with excitement over receiving a little cheap doll because for many of them that will be the first thing of their very own that they have ever received. Even the parents get excited because if their child receives a little plastic tub full of toys, then the tub can now be a new water vessel or something to preserve their food.
     It is unfathomable how much good just a little love can spread. If you want to get involved, the website to visit for more information is :


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

5 Ways to Challenge Yourself

     Today I walked into my campus library completely absorbed in my own thoughts and mentally scanning my to-do list for the afternoon. I usually steal an entire table or couch for myself to avoid the awkwardness of asking a stranger if they are saving the other side of their table for someone else. Unfortunately, today there were no free tables or couches and to my demise I was forced into the uncomfortable situation of asking someone if I could share their space. But I am so glad I did. I met one of the most unusual, intelligent and interesting people yet so far on this campus. He is a computer science major but has a passion for equality in all things. He asked me what my major is and when I told him, he started asking me questions which challenged me to think outside my own preset beliefs and consider other thinking and ideas, all without pushing his own personal opinion on me. Needless to say, although absolutely no homework got done, I learned more about myself, someone else, and a new way of thinking that I would have never considered had I kept searching for an empty spot to sit by myself.
     Through this experience it sparked in me to consider other ways to push myself out of my comfort zone to achieve personal growth and become a more well rounded person:

1. Talk to a person you are in line with.

2. Let those "annoying" people on campus or on the street with all sorts of different petitions actually explain to you what they are advocating for. It may seem irritating, but you will learn something even if you still don't agree with their cause by the end of it.

3. Go try something new. Try rock climbing or snowshoeing or try a cooking class. These are great ways to meet new people and test different interests you might have.

4. Pick a flyer off a random wall of advertisements and go do what it is advertising. If that means some wacky pottery class or going to some garage band concert then do it, who knows what will happen. You may hate it or you may love it, either way it will give you a new experience to add to your list.

5. Pick three new foods to try that look disgusting at worst and "interesting" at best. For me, I have picked anchovies(absolutely awful), lavender-cranberry kombucha tea (eh, it was alright), and persimmons(delicious). It's kinda fun trying new things even if all it does is make you wanna gag!

picture link: https://www.google.com/search?q=challenge+yourself+quotes&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=919&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=6vZ8VP_bMMOtyASQ44CQBQ&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&q=challenge+quotes+tumblr&revid=2064302495&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=xVk_n_TSbMhj3M%253A%3B6xi8JnliViB5fM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.givingisallwehave.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252Fhuman-consciousness-development.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.givingisallwehave.com%252Fthe-new-hrm-human-consciousness-development%252F%3B500%3B336