Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Foods that Help my Running Performance

     So lately I have been running in the heat of the afternoon because that is the only time I can. Basically I have all day now to either make or break my run with the food that I eat. I have been trying to eat pretty strictly due to this but I always have a treat, usually its just after practice. I have been doing this for a while now and I have some good foods/meals that seem to help me that Id like to share with you all (I also enjoy the taste too!):

     -Lately chia seeds soaked overnight in 3 parts pure maple syrup and 1 part water (about two tablespoons dry seeds) mixed with about a cup and a half of plain Greek yoghurt has been a staple in my diet. Sometimes I eat them separately, but I really like them together. Ill eat that for breakfast or lunch with other foods like peaches or even a sandwich if I am really hungry that day.

     **** On a side note: I think that it is extremely important to make sure you eat enough calories in a day, especially if you are an athlete or exercise period. Now a days, many people are more cautious or afraid to eat to much in fear of gaining to much excess weight. But you need to eat. Sometimes I will eat two sandwiches, a peach, a sliced cucumber, a salad, and chips and salsa only for lunch. That's just what happens when you work out. If you are hungry, eat. You actually do yourself a disservice by ignoring hunger pains. There is scientific proof that skipping meals slows down weight loss. Eat as much as you feel hungry for, just make sure its the good for you stuff! :)

      - Anyways: Large salads and lots of veggies have been a staple lately too! It totally helps hydrate me so that I can perform my best when running (did you know that being hydrated increases your speed between 10-15% more that dehydrated athletes? yupp!)

      - I also drink a lot of soy milk during the seasons I run the most. I am not vegan or lactose intolerant, I just find that if I drink a glass of milk even an hour before a run, I get sick to my stomach and get gross cotton mouth! But with soy (or almond) milk, I can drink it for the protein and I don't feel icky later. It's a big relief!

     - I also am a big advocate of chicken and brown rice or fish with brown rice! I always perform better with that meal eaten about four hours in advance or the night before a race! It is my go to meal!

So that's everything I've got so far, but I will update if I discover anything new!


Saturday, August 3, 2013


     So. There is this TV show that I have been absolutely obsessed with lately. If you couldn't tell by the title, its called Supernatural. I started watching it with a friend and became hooked! I am already halfway through season two on Netflix and it has only been about a week and a half! OMG. The two main characters names are Sam and Dean and they such are hunks!!! So gorgeous, at least in my opinion ;) Obviously I am excited about this show if you couldn't tell. The premise is that these two brothers go around and solve "supernatural" mysteries and fight evil with side stories in each episode on the drama of their personal lives. It sounds corny, and admittedly, the first half of season one is actually a bit corny because of the slightly less than great special affects due to lack of funds or something. But I swear to you, get through those first few episodes and you will be rewarded with upgraded special effects, the occasional shirtless hot guy, and tons of suspense! Who can resist forty minutes of getting to ogle at two studs taking down evil ghosts and spirits!? That's right, no one. :)

My Yoga Experience

     Personally, I absolutely love yoga! Last December I finally joined a yoga class at my local gym because I hoped I could increase my flexibility to help prevent injuries from running. I fell in love. I must admit, at certain points towards the beginning of my experience, I wanted to laugh at a few of the poses and movements we did. They were just so funny! But once I got used to the silliness, I started to really get into it and I have been faithfully going every week for almost a year now! It has substantially improved my flexibility and even my strength. There are a lot of poses involved in yoga that strengthen the legs and arms. My class also includes a bit of Pilates, so I get a little extra abs in there too! All around I feel stronger and more aware of my body and its limits. Each pose we do shows me how far I can go, and how far I have yet to come. It is very encouraging for me to see growth in myself in the depth I can bend or stretch in a pose now versus how far I could go a month ago. I have learned (and am still learning) how to accept my body for what it is on any given day. Some days I can go deeper into a pose than other days, and it took me a while to realize I don't have to be the best every single day.
      Coming into yoga with my back ground of participating in all different competitive sports and activities like competitive soccer, basketball, track, gymnastics, cross country, music competitions, academic competitions, ect, I had the mindset of "push till it hurts" because that's what I was trained to think in order to become the best. In cross country season, we do miserable work-outs that make me want to pass out, throw up, and then quit. But I have to push past my bodies perceived limitations so that I can become as great as I can be. With yoga its different. The concept of yoga took me a long time to figure out and is still hard to grasp in my competitively hardwired mindset. You don't compete in yoga. Not with others, and not with yourself. When I heard this I was like "What!!!????" "Then what is the point of doing it then!!!??". The point of yoga is to reach your bodies limitations and accept them. Rather that find your limitations and push past them like one would in soccer or basketball, you find them, and then settle in with them. If I am doing some intense pose, if I cant quite get that far into it, I don't push until I hurt myself, I realize instead that my body isn't capable of doing that pose to its full extent right now and then I work with my body gently for the next few days or weeks until it can reach that full pose. Believe me, this is the most confusing part of yoga to any competitive athlete. The fact that you don't have to push and push, but instead just be okay with where you are at is the oddest idea ever.I must admit though that I like it a lot. After having to exceed my limitations in every other activity I do, it is so relaxing to be able to go to my yoga class and not have to worry about reaching some standard because it doesn't matter to anyone. It is amazing to have a break from the stress of meeting an expectation set on me.
     There are countless benefits to yoga. Some people treat yoga as sort of a personal religion. Through meditation and dedication, they find their peace and tranquility through the practice. I though, do not participate in the holistic aspects of yoga and instead treat it as a way to relax, stretch, and pamper myself. I do it mostly from an athletic and healthy point of view; a way to benefit my body. There are countless intensities and levels of practice in yoga. No matter from which standpoint you enjoy it, and regardless of how serious and dedicated you are to it, the rewards from it are endless.

      Here are some of those rewards:
*Happier outlook in life
*Decreased aches and pains
*Better sleep
*Improved confidence
*Toned body
*Improved flexibility
*Improved balance
*Improved lymph flow
*Better posture
*Increased energy
*Better reaction time
*Improved concentration
*Attention span increases
*Lymphocyte count increases
*Thyroxin increases
*Healthier looking skin

These are not all! check out these two websites to learn even more!