Sunday, December 21, 2014

34 Things Only College Students Understand

1. Balancing awkwardly in the shower just to shave your legs

2. The pure joy at having enough money to buy groceries other than canned soup and cereal

3. The struggle of an 8am the Friday after a successful Thirsty Thursday

4. Deciding between studying for class or Netflix

5. 2am pizza deliveries

6. When the dorms are too heated in summer and too cold in winter

7. Reusing plastic cups because you can't afford to buy new ones

8. Locking your fridge when your hungry friends come over

9. Counting coins for going out money

10. Calling your mom the first time you get sick away from home

11. Getting 30 dollars back on buyback day for 400 dollars worth of books

12. Making clothes last 3 or 4 weeks in between laundry loads

13. Drinking your cereal from a mug because you can't find your only spoon or bowl

14. "Hanging out" is just everyone doing homework together

15. Walmart at midnight is a normal routine

16. So is IHOP

17. That one kid in class who argues with the professor about everything

18. Not remembering the last time you were up early enough on the weekend for breakfast

19. Coming home on break and being asked the same questions a thousand times

20. Misreading an upcoming due date

21. Wondering how much of the stuff you actually use on campus that you have to pay for anyways

22. The feeling of a full tank of gas

23. Coming home for break and marveling at what real food tastes like

24. When work sounds funner than studying

25. Late night movie marathons

26. Studying on a Saturday night

27. Doing laundry at 12am on a Wednesday night

28. Coupons

29, Finals week

30. Not remembering the last time you had a full night of sleep

31. Looking at all the debt you are going to have

32. Seeing your final grade in a class

33. Doing laundry based off of supply of clean underwear and socks

34. College parking lots

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