Friday, August 1, 2014

20 Things Every Girl Should Know

Sometimes it's hard to be a girl. We are consistently judged and nit picked and held under a microscope by society. We work hard and sometimes it's all we can do to not crumble in front of our peers. Here are 20 things that every girl should know in order to be her best self.

1. It's okay to cry, as much as you need, and wherever you need.
2. It's amazing to feel confident with a bare face, but loving to wear makeup doesn't mean you hate your natural looks.
3. If you have an "iffy" feeling about a boy, shut him down, your instincts know best even if your heart doesn't quite yet.
4. Sometimes you may feel your best in yoga pants and a t-shirt and that's totally fine.
5. Let yourself splurge once in a while. You are worth it.
6. Comfort is worth the cost when it comes to a good pair of shoes.
7. Confront your loneliness head on when you break up, its better than ignoring it only to have a huge breakdown later.
8. Put your phone away when you are with friends. Twitter can wait.
9. Buy yourself flowers once in a while, who says you have to wait till a boy does it for you?
10. Work hard to make your dreams come true. Baby steps.
11. Have faith in God and yourself. Everything will come together in the end.
12. Sing and dance in your car. Who cares if an absolute stranger thinks your weird?
13. Smile at the cute boy who is looking at you, he's staring for a reason.
14. Take a selfie, not ten thousand.
15. Wear heels if you want to, it doesn't matter how tall you are in them.
16. If your nervous, count to three, take a deep breath and go for it!
17. Make a dream board to look at.
18. If you want something but aren't sure if you should spend the money, wait two days. If you still want it after two days then go back and buy it.
19. Slutty isn't Sexy. Slutty is Slutty.
20. Sometimes you gotta tell that mean girl how you really feel and that's okay. But stay classy.

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